Vulnerability Assesment & Penetration Testing

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Vulnerability Assesment & Penetration Testing

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We at Vestal offer the best Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) services, where we focus on the entire enterprise security including web applications, network and mobile applications. In Enterprise VAPT, we use attacker centric approach, where we try to break in and assess the security of the end targets, using all ways which an attacker could possibly take.
The enterprise VAPT ensures that the organisation's assets are secured, and bulletproof from possible security threats. A VAPT is recommended every few months for an organisation, as the code base keeps on changing, the attack techniques and targets will also differ.

Our mission is to safeguard the IT infrastructure and strengthen the security controls and internal policies of an organization in such a way that it should proactively defend from all known attacks and should immediately is able to respond to any situation caused by an intrusion.
External/Remote Network: Performing a Vulnerability scan remotely and detailing all the existing vulnerabilities that can be exploited from accessing the network publicly.
Internal Network Penetration Assessment: Checking the Network Penetration internally and testing for all the network security policies to stringently defend the IT Network-Infrastructure from the current risk exposure on the IT security.